Head Centre - Intellectual

This centre, associated with thinking, represents the degree to which you are inclined to use logic and reasoning in approaching the world. A strong focus here implies a tendency to be somewhat uncertain in your approach to the world which may result in hesitation before action and an inclination to keep people at a safe distance until you come to trust them.

Heart Centre - Emotional

Associated with feeling and emotional sensitivity, this centre represents the degree to which you use a sensitive and emotionally aware approach to the world. A strong score in this centre may suggest that you create a mask which you present to the world in place of your genuine self which is designed to provide you with the personal significance, otherwise, may feel that you lack.


Gut Centre - Instinctual

This centre is associated with power, action and an intuitive approach to the world. A strong score here is taken to indicate a forceful and directive approach to life and a tendency to rely on your sensitive intuition in setting a way forward for both yourself and others. Some people who are strongly dominant in this centre, paradoxically, appear to lack forcefulness because it is not always expressed outwardly.