Enneagram & Burnout what you need to know for the Enneagram 2
Enneagram & Burnout what you need to know for the Enneagram 2
Burnout and the Enneagram
Enneagram & Burnout what you need to know for the Enneagram 1
Burnout, Stress and the Five Lens
By all accounts, it seems that stress-related issues are on the rise worldwide and are presenting increasingly serious problems to health, relationships and business. What can be done for Burnout & Stress?
The Stories We Tell
Our internal narratives allow us to make sense of life experiences by creating meaning from them such that we can tell a story about them. It’s important to remember that the story we create isn’t an objective reality. It’s simply a way of interpreting or representing reality in our own way.
Beginnings, Endings & Counterbalances
It seems to me that the phenomenon of compensatory opposites is also an integral part of what the Enneagram suggests about human behaviour and personality in general. Our characteristic behavioural patterns typically compensate for something else.