Enneagram & Burnout what you need to know for the Enneagram 4

Enneagram & Burnout what you need to know for the Enneagram 4

Burnout for Enneagram Four

How burnout can happen:

Feeling misunderstood combined with the tension between wanting to fit in and yet still be different or special can cause a lot of emotional and mental turmoil and stress. It can also be energy draining simply having to cope with the ordinary daily tasks and routines that we all have to deal with. Trying to make sense of one’s big inner world of emotion and find meaning in one’s life also takes effort. All of this can lead to energy depletion, increased stress and ultimately burnout.

Strategies to avoid burnout:

Enneagram Fours’ depth of emotional experience, sensitivity and compassion are qualities that are really valuable in the right context. But Fours can also be affected emotionally to the point of overwhelm. The cause could be current circumstances, other people’s issues, or the general pain and suffering that is present in our world. Fours might even be in the habit of blaming themselves for things that are not their fault. If this is you, it could be important to work at putting emotional boundaries in place so that it’s easier to determine what you are responsible for and what others are responsible for. Seek some help with this, if needed. Try looking for something extraordinary in the ordinary things in life – there can be real significance and meaning in the most trivial of tasks if you look for it. What value does it add to complete these tasks? Why are they important? What contribution does it make to complete them? How do they connect to a bigger purpose? Questions like this could be worth exploring.

Read more about Burnout for Enneagram 1, Enneagram 2, Enneagram 3, Enneagram 4, Enneagram 5


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