Burnout for Enneagram Three
How burnout can happen:
The world of work loves employees who avoid failure and are driven to succeed! Such people are typically rewarded for their dedication to reaching targets, meeting deadlines, and working long and hard. Constantly pushing yourself to this extent while needing to present the consummate professional image can easily become an addiction. While the rewards are enticing, the downside is that there may be little time for proper rest and self-care; even important relationships may suffer if you don’t invest quality time in them. All of this is a potential recipe for high stress, and burnout can ultimately be the result.
Strategies to avoid burnout:
If you identify with Enneagram Style Three it’s important to realize that people can love you for who you are and not just for what you do. You may find that work takes precedence over relationships and even over the people you say you care about. How much quality time do you spend with family and close friends? If the answer is very little or almost none, then maybe you need to think about how you could create more balance between people and work. Be careful that you don’t justify workaholic tendencies by convincing yourself that you work such long hours so that you can take good care of close family members. Is this really the reason? Or is it your competitive desire to succeed at work that takes precedence over the people you say you care about? How well are you taking care of yourself – getting enough rest, sleep, exercise and eating well? Is there a need for more balance in your life? These are hard questions, but important to consider.
Read more about Burnout for Enneagram 1, Enneagram 2, Enneagram 3, Enneagram 4, Enneagram 5