
The Cat Woman, Acceptance of Reality, and the Enneagram

Personality Types or traits

However you look at it, ‘type theories’ offer a relatively blunt way of describing people. They can have difficulty accounting for the small variations in behaviour that exist between people of the same type. As a result, it seems limiting and risky to assign a type label to a person, as this inevitably leads to missing their individual uniqueness.

The Stories We Tell

Self Talk

Our internal narratives allow us to make sense of life experiences by creating meaning from them such that we can tell a story about them. It’s important to remember that the story we create isn’t an objective reality. It’s simply a way of interpreting or representing reality in our own way.

Coaching with The Enneagram

The Enneagram goes further by giving insight into what motivates behaviour, how individuals ‘see’ the world, along with their typical thinking, feeling and communication habits.

Introduction to the forthcoming book

Five Lens Pekwa Lodge

The Enneagram – this complex map of the human psyche – shows us this in a different way. Through representing nine ‘styles’ or ‘ways of being’, it reveals deep insights into the inner and outer workings of us, humans.

Beginnings, Endings & Counterbalances

It seems to me that the phenomenon of compensatory opposites is also an integral part of what the Enneagram suggests about human behaviour and personality in general. Our characteristic behavioural patterns typically compensate for something else.

Freud, the Enneagram and World Views

An educational thought – provoking piece

I was recently asked to share some thoughts on the psychic structures first proposed by Sigmund Freud and how they relate to the Enneagram – so here goes!

Personality Types: The Enneagram

The enneagram of personality

The enneagram is a personality typing system that consists of nine different types. The enneagram was first used in ancient Greece by Christian mystics, but it has since been rediscovered and popularized by modern psychologists.