Building Resilience in a Turbulent World

We encounter many challenges every day – adversity, complexity, difficult decisions, loss and many other stress inducing experiences. The question is, do we have the capacity to deal with them without incurring serious damage? We need a level of resilience to handle them so that we can avoid mental, emotional or physical damage to our […]

9 Characteristics of High Performing Leaders

Leadership is complex and difficult in a demanding and constantly shifting world. Stakeholder expectations are high, numerous, and sometimes conflicting. And navigating the relationship landscape can be challenging to say the least! To paraphrase one leader:  “Every day feels like stepping into a new, unfamiliar reality that bears little resemblance to the day before. It’s […]

Our Best Enneagram Celebrity Examples, and Quotes………..!

June 2024 by Colin Adam Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening – wherever you are in the world, and welcome to this June newsletter! When teaching the Enneagram I’ve often been asked to name famous people who characterize each of the nine styles. My guess is that most famous people have never heard of the […]

Coaching with The Enneagram

The Enneagram goes further by giving insight into what motivates behaviour, how individuals ‘see’ the world, along with their typical thinking, feeling and communication habits.